Conversation Between Lord Testicles and The Feral Underclass

  1. And stop stirring shit.
  2. Of course they are. People live for this shit. What would they do without me?
  3. Are your last actions still causing drama?
  4. I'm not sure when I'll be back yet, but hopefully it will be long before the 28th. Depends on the snow/how lazy I feel.
  5. Werd! Hope you're alright

    I don't think you'll be needed to go to Glasgow. When are you back though? The unemployed workers meeting is on 28th. It would be good if you were there.
  6. Yes.
  7. Bum-bel-bee!

    Are you still in the land that time forgot?
  8. I should be coming to Sheffield sometime after christmas, when we will no doubt have an opportunity to get drunk and make fun of my silly accent.
  9. Skinz, ya reprobate. When are you coming to Sheffield and which does not involve you having to take care of Komsan? We should get drunk and I'll make fun of your silly accent.
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