Conversation Between Charles Xavier and revolution inaction

  1. Hey in terms of stupid, I think the credit goes to the person who is saying the insults.

    I mean you claim to be on the side of the working class, but when they get power you tell them they are failures.
  2. revolution inaction
    yes, i decided that there is no point trying to discus any thing with some so determinedly stupid
  3. Glad you changed your mind.
  4. revolution inaction
    this is your list of what you consider susesfull communist revolutions "Cuba, Angola, Nicaragua, Chile, Soviet Union, Germany, Bulgaria, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Poland, South Africa,"

    i don't think i need to say any more.
  5. Seems like the issue is you can't see the forest for the trees are in the way.
  6. revolution inaction
    i genuinely cant tell if your a troll or an idiot
  7. Conservative is a word who condemns the working class when they get power for ruling as a working class state would.
  8. revolution inaction
    If conservative is the word for some who supports direct workers control, the abolition of capitalism and the state, and opposes saviours, glorious leaders and other neo religious concepts, then yes I am, it strange though, i always thought that it was pronounced "communist".
  9. Then you are a conservative and hate working class revolutions.
  10. revolution inaction
    and i fail to see what any of them have to do with communist revolution, except that some of them are the product of a successful counter revolution
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