Conversation Between Wolf Larson and AK

  1. Technocracy is far from legitimate... it's a complete negation of anarchism. How does one create a society without hierarchy when we get scientists as rulers?
  2. quite not I'm trolling your homepage.
  3. LOL ya, at one point I had 400 rep with 500 posts until the techno people decided I need to be at about -50 or +50 at all times. It is quit simply a way for them to 'label' me a troll. A lame attempt to keep their ideology legitimate. I don't care either way, my self esteem isn't tied into my RevLeft rep
  4. Looks like some technocrats took a slight dislike to you and negrepped the fuck out of you.
  5. True that.
  6. I'm not all that concerned with it I just hate to see more stratification taking place when unification should be taking place between Marxists and anarchists. We don't need the technocracy bunkum because of its anti democratic hierarchy and the pseudo science of "energy accounting is just...well...pseudoscience. I'm all for modernization of ideas and technology but the system they advocate is shit.
  7. True, I read up on technocracy after I posted that.
    Still, technology does have an important place in the development of human civilisation. I'm no technocrat, though.
  8. It's opposition to democracy.
  9. Clearly Jazzratt is at fault here, he called you middle class. Socialist class analysis fail.

    Btw, I'm not technocrat myself (although I obviously see benefits of technology) and I have no opinion on the matter either way, but what do you have against technocracy exactly?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9