Conversation Between *Viva La Revolucion* and Vladimir Innit Lenin

  1. *Viva La Revolucion*
    Yeah. I was off college today but I've still had to study at home. Sorry to hear the weather's interrupting your work plans, that's annoying. I hope it improves soon!

    Talk to you another time then.
  2. Ah, how's school going? Busy I take it?

    I'd say i've been busy but I really haven't been, the weather has been interfering with my work plans as per usual

    Anyway, i'll continue this conversation in a more private setting some time, this one's jsut to say hello
  3. *Viva La Revolucion*
    I've been fairly busy, but the few times when I have been online have not coincided with the times when you've been online. So sorry for my lack of...onlineness.

  4. Haha, sorry about that. You haven't been online that much, sort it out, 'comrade'.
  5. *Viva La Revolucion*
    Ah, so you've changed your name? That confused me for longer than it should have.
  6. *Viva La Revolucion*
    I should be in upper sixth but I'm actually still in lower sixth. I won't go into an explanation because it's complicated. The problem is that I have no idea what I want to study or where I want to study. I like English, history, classics, philosophy, languages...the list goes on.

    I know what you mean. It's better to join a party that isn't built around a single issue, but instead encompasses a variety of different campaigns.

    What do you want to do after Uni? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions! Maybe I should move this conversation to PMs.
  7. You in upper or lower sixth? I'd reccommend applying in upper sixth, even if you want to take a year out, otherwise it is a lot harder, not to mention more stressful, if you have to apply during a year out.

    It's not that I don't like single issues - I gladly campaign on things like LGBT, Feminism and so on. I just wouldn't join the 'LGBT Party' or anything. I'm more interested in a party that has adequate enough politics to be able to bind a whole host of issues together under the uniting theme of Socialism.

    I can't wait to live in York, tis a great place
  8. *Viva La Revolucion*
    Why don't you like individual issues?

    That was what I found with the CPB. Their policies and views seemed OK on first glance, but they turned out to be quite vague.

    I'm not too far from York, actually. It's supposed to be a great place. At the moment I'm still in 6th form and will probably wait a year before applying anywhere because I'm so indecisive.

    Good luck with your studies
  9. I'm not really a fan of individual issues. I did like the look of the CPB for a bit, but from talking to people and reading stuff online, it seems that their lack of a dogmatic tendency defence was merely a consequence of their inadequate politics and somewhat reformist outlook.

    I'm currently taking a year out - but i'm heading up to York next year to indulge in a bit of Economics&Economic History, which should be good, and I imagine University will open up a lot of political doors for me. What about you?
  10. *Viva La Revolucion*
    I don't have a tendency either. I agree with a mixture of ideas and I don't believe there is a single 'correct' ideology. Nobody can be 100% right.

    I can't really advise because I'm in a similar situation, but maybe if you pick out individual issues it would be easier to get involved that way? For example, with gay rights there are a number of groups you could join. Or environmental stuff or pro-immigration groups.

    What are you studying? (I assume you're at Uni)
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