Conversation Between Dzerzhinsky's Ghost and Comrade_Stalin

  1. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    Will do comrade, I'll begin looking for anything asap.
  2. Comrade_Stalin
    Like I said I understand, when you have the time I would like to know if you can find a link between Sovetskogo Soyuza Tukhachevsky and the KV-1 and BT-5 tanks. Anything from plannig to ordering those machines.
  3. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    That's my problem, I have to work and it's a pain in the arse driving borgy fucks everywhere, all day, every day; so my research and other activities outside of work have been neglected as of recent.
  4. Comrade_Stalin
    It ok, I have to work over 40 hour too.
  5. Dzerzhinsky's Ghost
    Yes, I would, my apologies for not responding to your latest PM comrade, my mind has been everywhere as of late and have been busy but I have all intentions of continuing our research.
  6. Comrade_Stalin
    Just to let you know we have started a debate about the effect of plitical ideology on the military in the Third Period Marxist-Leninists group and would like to know if you would like to join in?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6