Conversation Between Thirsty Crow and Ceallach_the_Witch

  1. Thirsty Crow
    Oh yeah, proud to be Croat (that's a pun on the national football team fans' slogan)
    Funny thing, personally, I've never been to Rijeka except for driving through the town once.

    Feel free to contact me if you'll be going to Zagreb any time soon
  2. Ceallach_the_Witch
    ah, i didn't realise that you were from Croatia until now! I have family (by marriage) in Croatia and I've been a few times and it is a very lovely place indeed. I've only briefly visited Zagreb unfortunately, but I've spent some time in Rijeka and (unsurprisingly for a tourist) Poreč.
  3. Thirsty Crow
    Yeah, it would be an understatement to say I'm not inclined to that damaging and mystifying rump of a "theory"
  4. Ceallach_the_Witch
    I'm guessing you aren't kindly inclined to the mystical, magical world of Dialectic Materialism based on your post in the Paganism/marxism thread today?
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