Conversation Between Rational Radical and Dunk

  1. Rational Radical
    Thanks for the article very interesting. While it does raise good points I'm a little skeptical of the whole "we shouldn't waste time on raising consciousness" type of view because like I've said in the thread, if Americans can go through the Great Depression only to still have faith in capitalism I don't know how much the working class is willing to endure. Conditioning and miseducation are very powerful, once again I can see someone like FDR come along and repeat history,thus weakening revolutionary potential. What do you agree and disagree with it?
  2. Dunk

    I saw some thread where you touched on things concerning consciousness and the roles of us communists in class struggle and revolution, so I thought I'd share this with you. I don't accept everything in it, but IMO it makes for a strong critique of the pro-revolutionary left.
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