Conversation Between fredbergen and Kassad

  1. I have replied to your recent comments via email because this space is too small.
  2. Kassad
    In all honesty, they seem to be more interested in opposing what the League for the Fourth International and the Bolshevik Tendency say than they are in actually formulating a revolutionary perspective. That's why they spewed such pro-imperialist bullshit on the issue of Haiti.

    On another note, what's your political differentiation with the International Bolshevik Tendency? I've always heard rumors that Bill Logan is interested in merging with the League for the Fourth International, but you aren't interested. Any information on that?
  3. I had the pleasure of discussing this with the participants of a SL educational meeting yesterday evening at Hunter College, City University of New York.

    According to the SL, the Internationalist Group was right, but we were still wrong, wrong wrong. It is very important to "firmly grasp," as Mao might say, the logic of this position. Their attitude was, now that they have corrected their little mistake of supporting their own imperialists (only three and a half months too late), they can accuse us with clear consciences of supporting "third world" bourgeois nationalist politicians like Hugo Chávez and Réné Préval. Unfortunately they are still unable to produce any evidence to back up these claims.
  4. Kassad
  5. What the Internationalist Group states publicly is in its publications.
  6. Kassad
    Does the Internationalist Group publicly state how many members they have? I've heard they have less than 50 or so, but I wanted to ask an actual member.
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