Conversation Between smk and NGNM85

  1. NGNM85
  2. smk
    I appreciate all your contributions to this site. Your final comment on this situation showcasing the virus of disunity and ironic closed-mindedness which plagues the left was especially great. I'm sure that I and many others hope you come back to so eloquently call the many cult members on this website out on their ridiculous beliefs.
  3. NGNM85
    Tell me about it. You're preaching to the choir, man.
  4. smk
    Hey, I completely agree with almost everything you have said about working for anarchism/communism/etc. in the current situation means perhaps working within the law to further democracy or to support state sectors which are actually beneficial to the people. I sometimes feel like revleft is full of loads of dogmatists who care more about advancing their political theory than the real goals behind the theory, the improvement of conditions for all people.
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