Conversation Between Madvillainy and Irish Left

  1. Irish Left
    THe IRPs are as socialist as any socialist group accross the world. eirigi are only going 5 years and are developing their socialist politics. Many 32csm and rsf members are socialists even of the partys arn't offically.
  2. no offence, but i have no interest in debating with republicans, socialist or otherwise, arguing on the internet isnt going to change either of our opinions. I was once a member of that forum back in the day when I considered myself a republican. I was also quite close to joining the irps before i broke away from republicanism altogether.

    just a final point, your post about most republicans being socialists is just plain delusional considering the history of psf, rsf and the 32csm. you could argue that the irps and to a lesser extent eirigi are socialists but even then i think they only pay lip service to the idea.
  3. Irish Left
    You seem to think you know a lot about republicanism, but your clearly confused. So I advise you to go and join another forum called of Do a bit of reading and posting. Put me down as a referer, my account there in Laoch na nGael. And tell me you user name in I will get your account activated quicker.
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