Conversation Between BobKKKindle$ and Pirate turtle the 11th

  1. Pirate turtle the 11th
    I would do man but the bastards locked the thread. This is getting ridiculous now if im going to be frank.
  2. no worries then. feel free.
  3. Pirate turtle the 11th
    Nah dude its Indain independence I bassicly need to be told if i'm doing anything outrageously stupid.
  4. haha, sure, keep in mind that I've never studied ancient history (I recall you mentioning somewhere that's what you're doing) but feel free anyway - I think Random precision also studies history at uni so if you feel like getting more than one opinion I'm sure he'd also be happy to help.
  5. Pirate turtle the 11th
    Bobz im writting a history essay at the moment when I'm done could you take the time to look over it and be brutally honest about it?

    (Bare in mind I am fishing for marks not making any kind of political point)
  6. Pirate turtle the 11th
    because your a reactionary if you don't support strike breaking in nepal. Reminds me of that time some sick bastards started supporting the working class against the vessel of socialism that is Iran.
  7. haha, just annoyance at the sheer ignorance and anti-working-class-ism of Maoists, that's all.
  8. Pirate turtle the 11th
    You have being much more anti mao then normal bobster, what brought that on?
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