Conversation Between No_Leaders and Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores

  1. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Yeah, can I PM you my profile?
  2. No_Leaders
    Yes it is I love that place haha. Really need some new reading material. I do use facebook, what about you?
  3. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    AK Press is very cool, you could spend a fortune on books there.

    Also, I don't know if you saw my earlier message. Are you on Facebook?
  4. No_Leaders
    not bad at all. Just been slaving away doing massive amounts of overtime, mostly because they mandated it on us. They told us if we don't sign up for overtime they're gonna add it on our schedules anyways. I just signed up for friends of ak press. Gonna get some books when i have a bit more money to spare!
  5. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Pretty good! How bout you?
  6. No_Leaders
    Hey man! how've you been?
  7. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    You on Facebook?
  8. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    No problem, good to hear from you! I'm good, how bout you?
  9. No_Leaders
    thanks for the birthday wishes! how've you been?
  10. Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores
    Happy Belated Birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 22