Conversation Between black magick hustla and gorillafuck

  1. the vast majority of my facebook friends are people I go to school with who I never interact with whatsoever so it's fine. I use facebook basically to communicate with three of my friends and operate my bands page
  2. black magick hustla
    half of my fb are e friends i guess im lame
  3. I saw you once on the revleft page yeah haha. I don't add people I don't know in real life though.
  4. black magick hustla
    u said uve seen me in fb add me in fb then
  5. a hefty blow against the misogynist male dominance of this board has been dealt if i do say so myself
  6. that's not what the topic was though. TC brought that up. I was confused as to how "then say, staring at their crotches while pretending to listen to them, would probably be hurtful to some of them who wouldn't appreciate being reminded of their status." was relevant, because that's not at all the same as looking at attractive people. there's a difference between looking at women and being ludicrously rude and obnoxious.
  7. black magick hustla
    no i agree completely. i think the issue here is that you as a dude dont get hit on every 5 mins. i.e. when you go to class you dont have all thye women looking at your crutch and making weird come ons. i think thats their point
  8. like I said in there the thread was absurd but the whole idea about looking at breasts being bad was what i was arguing about. i suppose it's not all about my arguments though, so alright.
  9. that's true, yeah. but i'm not gonna let someone say that looking at attractive women is sexist without calling them out because that's wicked stupid.
  10. black magick hustla
    there was a lot of dumb fratboy mentality and it made basically all the female active members of this forum uncomfortable. i think we can agree that talking about womens boobs and their effect on your heart is not more important than making this forum inclusive enough
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11