Conversation Between Guardia Rossa and Quail

  1. Quail
    You'll have to take up the survey thing with RA since they're the one that puts it together. If we go ahead with the new subforum, it will need a moderator, so if you think of anyone else let me know.
  2. Ironically (or not) there was no portuguese language in the survey.
  3. LuÃÂ*s Henrique is a CU that speaks portuguese, I think that the two guys with snakes as profile also speak portuguese. (Pavel Nedvev?)

    But considering that 9.5% of the forum said in the Survey that they are from Brazil, there sure are more portuguese-speakers here.

    "What is your country of birth?

    Many respondents were born in an Anglophone country, as the following results suggest -

    23.8% said that they were born in US/USA/Merica/America
    19% said that they were born in UK/England
    9.5% said that they were born in Brazil"
  4. Quail
    Sorry it's taken forever to get back to you. Do you know if there are any Portuguese speaking CU members?
  5. Thanks. Any news?
  6. Quail
    I'll bring it up with the other admins and see what they think.
  7. Hey, with who can I talk to suggest we should have a Portuguese language subforum? I know 6 portuguese speakers here, having a portuguese subforum might attract the "lurker" portuguese-speakers.
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