Conversation Between careyprice31 and Bear MacMillan

  1. careyprice31
    That doesnt matter to me even though they lost to Biron and his friggin Flyers (which I hate) well i like Biron but I hate the flyers in general but I have a Montreal Canadiens hat that I wear all the time, even if they lost i wear it with pride because they are the most successful organization to ever lace up skates, 24 cups lmao, someone once said to me after they lost and I had my Koivu jersey on arent you ashamed? I said ohno why would i be ashamed a true fan stays with his/her team even through the dark days.
  2. Sometimes I put my jersey on but then I remember they lost and have to take it off
  3. careyprice31
    I mean Koivu lmao
  4. careyprice31
    P. S. Saku Kovu does rock.....
  5. careyprice31
    Hey, thanks for signing my wall....

    Yes, Habs rock ! I love them

    Solidarity to a fellow Leftist and fellow Habs fan !

    Your fellow Leftist and longtime Habs fan since 1992

    Peace and all good wishes from Newfoundland ! xD

    P.S. In Habs we trust lol
  6. The Canadiens rock! Koivu all the way!
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