Conversation Between Sinister Cultural Marxist and Sabot Cat

  1. Sabot Cat
    I have, and they're pretty interesting, although they amount more to (valid) psychological criticisms of impartial care more than a philosophical refutation of the premises of Mohism. In that same vein, I believe that there is a lot to be said for the positive consequences other traditional societal facets. It's just important to recognize that these are means to an end and not the end in of itself.
  2. Sinister Cultural Marxist
    "Our belief in the specialness of a few individuals is not correspondent to reality as it is. However, familial bonds, friendships and self-worth are things that can help cultivate communities bound by mutual love without a lot of tinkering, so I'm not opposed to valuing some people more than others by devoting one's time to them because it causes more benefits than suffering overall."

    I was thinking - you might be interested in some of the Confucian critiques of Mohism. I disagree with their support for feudal social relations but they make some interesting points about how we can get people to expand their circle of care and concern (from family to community to nation and to the world, to oversimplify it).
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