Conversation Between Sinred and Kassad

  1. Sinred
    No i will not. And it will not be possible until after the summer. However i tipped the girl im going to see in US about it, she said she would go
  2. Kassad
    Thanks for cooperating with the pictures. It's just board policy. I doubt you are, but will you be moving to the United States before March 20th? There's going to be a huge event then ( and some of the larger demonstrations are the best way to get a feel for the PSL and the widespread activism we take part it. Let me know if you ever have questions.
  3. Sinred
    Thats sucky. Especially since i dont care and extremists already know about me. But sure, since its a policy i will change it very soon.
  4. Kassad
    Just so you know, personal pictures are forbidden on RevLeft. It's for your personal safety, since right-wingers and such often use sites like these to try to track people down. When you find a second, please change your avatar and personal picture, as well as deleting the album on your profile. Thanks for your help and I'm glad you want to join the PSL.
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