Conversation Between Landsharks eat metal and Quail

  1. Quail
    Hey, so I posted you something today Unfortunately the post office don't do international postage orders any more so don't worry about sending a response if you don't have the money. Hope it manages to get to you.
  2. Quail
  3. Landsharks eat metal
  4. Landsharks eat metal
    Awesome. congrats
  5. Quail
    It was sometime today I think. I didn't know actually until I looked at my moderation notifications and wondered how I could see them since they weren't in my forum and then found an announcement by CoTR Now I get an italic purple name ^_^
  6. Landsharks eat metal
    wait... when did you become a global mod? Was that relatively recent or am I just totally out of it?
  7. Quail
  8. Landsharks eat metal
  9. Landsharks eat metal
    I do, and I've already added you. My name is Alston.
  10. Quail
    Ouch, your colour scheme hurts my eyes :-/ out of interest do you ave facebook? It's nice to.put a face to a name
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11