Conversation Between Drosophila and MustCrushCapitalism

  1. MustCrushCapitalism
    New York City is probably a great place in terms of looking for local organizations - problem is, I'm on East Long Island, and as far as I know, anyway, there aren't any left-wing organizations active out here. I'm likely to end up moving to the city sometime, but even so, I'm not sure what organizations there are around. The SPUSA seems to be one of few non-doctinaire socialist parties around, yet is pretty clearly dominated by reformists, unfortunately.
  2. Thanks, though I feel I don't post as often as I should. It used to be that I just wasn't in a position to say anything intelligent, but that's changed as I'm now better versed in Marxist theory and such.

    I see you're in New York. Ever put any thought into local organizations? We can talk about that through PM sometime if you'd like.
  3. MustCrushCapitalism
    (Just saw that post, oops.)

    Thanks, it's great to hear that I contribute something or another around here that people find useful, lol. I try to contribute to the discussion around here, it's a good forum in between the mass bannings. You're one of the better posters around here yourself.
  4. Hey man, just want to say I enjoy reading your posts. They're very well-written and informative.

    Hate to sound this ageist, but it's kind of surprising that you're only a junior in high school. You seem really intelligent compared to most juniors I know.
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