Conversation Between Pelarys and l'Enfermé

  1. Well can you add me on AIM then, when you have the time? [email protected] is my email there, it's also the email I use for all other revleft stuff.
  2. Pelarys
    I've used AIM before for a group project, I'd love to chat with you people. I won't be able to join you at the university however, it is most likely that I'll be in Spain in that period.

    Yes the thorough study of the Paris Commune was one of the main factor in breaking the "communist = bad/utopian" myth for me. I have had a lot of affection for its history ever since
  3. Ah, I see. Well I'm always happy to chat with comrades. Do you use AIM? Or MSN? Most of the CPGB people on RevLeft are on AIM. We mostly discuss trivialities, but occasionally we have theoretical debates(which I think, by the way, is the only way to learn anything). A bunch of us are traveling to London to attend the CPGB Communist University in August for the first time this year(Q attended the last 3), maybe you might be interested in that too.

    Anyway, a Pottier avatar? We have similar tastes. It's interesting how almost nobody here knows that the Internationale was written by an active Communard that fought in the Semaine sanglante. Qu'la Commune n'est pas morte!
  4. Pelarys
    I guess I can be considered a sympathizer: I find the ideas of the CPGB quite interesting, and I read its publication regularly. I still consider myself to be learning as I'm still fairly new to Marxist theory, and joined the two groups in order to follow, and maybe participate in, the discussions surrounding the matters addressed by the group. I have not really taken up joining any other group for some reason.
  5. Salut! Comrade, it's a bit weird that you are a member of only 2 groups: Revolutionary Marxists and Weekly Worker Readers. These 2 groups are associated with us CPGB(PCC) sympathisers(Q, me, DNZ, Rafiq, Negative Creep, 9mm, etc, etc). Are you one of us, by any chance?
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