Conversation Between Snard and Goblin

  1. I've missed you too Snard. Sorry about my inactivity on Skype and Revleft. Long story short: Me and my family have been moving to a new apartment, so i've been really busy for the past few months. I recently deleted my Facebook because of security reasons, but i'm gonna make a new one sometime next week. I'll make sure to send you a friend request over there.
  2. Snard
    I miss you goblin
  3. Snard
  4. Snard
    You have skype? I want to talk with you.
  5. Snard
    I'm being threatened with banishment because I said that I was surprised a Stalinist hasn't been banned.

    RevLeft is not what I expected it to be.
  6. Snard
    Yeah, I'm obsessed with Nirvana and Kurt. Negative Creep is likely my favorite song.
  7. Nirvana fan? That´s awesome! In Utero is one of my all time favorite records.
  8. Snard
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8