Conversation Between Velkas and Mälli

  1. Velkas
    No, I like the sound of the Finnish language.
  2. Mälli
    The finnish language.
  3. Velkas
    What do you mean?
  4. Mälli
    Yeah. I bet is sounds odd.
  5. Velkas
    Finland's cool. I've never been there, but I want to go. Finnish sounds nice.
  6. Mälli
    Well I have few of them. Cool I live in Finland
  7. Velkas
    I live in Arizona, in the US. I don't have any leftist friends, but my friends are generally accepting of my views. And you?
  8. Mälli
    So, where do you live? You have any leftist friends? How do your friends take your politics?
  9. Velkas
    I'm a communist. I believe that an anarchist society could be achieved in various ways: a revolution, a general strike, even perhaps some people joining together and declaring independence for a new country that could serve as a socialist stronghold, and can be an example for the rest of the world to follow.
  10. Mälli
    Man, you put me up a hard question.. Well yeah im an anarchist. I am a mix of syndicalist, collectivist. Im an anarcho sydicalist and im into libertarian communism. General strike or revolution. you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12