Conversation Between The Vegan Marxist and Weezer

  1. Weezer
    Hey, would you mind contributing to this thread? I'm interested to hear your views:
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    It is, though we'll show our solidarity against such criminal actions by the FBI.
  3. Weezer
    It's terrible activists from both of our organizations got arrested.
  4. The Vegan Marxist
    Glad to know we have more SDS chapters springing up. Solidarity from a member of the FRSO!
  5. The Vegan Marxist
    Here's a link to where I show all 4 books of mine, & links to where you can buy them &/or download a free digital copy if you'd like. My books are not meant for profit, but to spread a message:
  6. The Vegan Marxist
    I can always give you a free digital copy if you want.
  7. Weezer
    Where can I buy your books? I really want to read your latest.
  8. Weezer
    You know, if you're not an anarchist anymore, you can get a username change.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8