Conversation Between Aesop and Holden Caulfield

  1. cheers mate,
  2. Aesop
    Happy Bday
  3. Aesop
    Yes I would appreciate that a lot .
    If you don't mind me asking, how come you quit the SP was it because of their policies?
    Also how are the SWP and SP party different from each other, i thought they were both trotskyist parties?
    Do you know what the requirements of being a member is of these parties and what is typically expected of individuals once they join the party?
    Also could you give me brief info about their(SWP,SP and the SPGB) attitudes to other marxist parties?
  4. everybody is going to make you join their party in that thread you posted. If you want to discuss it properly I dont mind talking about them with you. I am a former member of the SP who is also very close with the SWP, and who knows a fair bit about the othe groups in the UK. Plus ill try to be non partisan
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