Conversation Between L.A.P. and Yuppie Grinder

  1. L.A.P.
    Not really, I have yet to read any of Freud's books. I would just know the basics like Oedipus, id-ego-super ego, death drive, and all that stuff. I think it would be important to just know the basics of Freud and Saussure's structural linguistics (signifier-signified, metaphor-metonymy) as a great deal of Lacan's thought is a synthesis of the two (along with Hegel and Marx, of course).

    Lacan and Language
  2. Is it necessary to read Freud before reading Lacan if you want a good understanding?
  3. thanks bro
  4. L.A.P.
    according to this introduction to Hegel, it's from First Programme for a System of German Idealism, I guess some obscure collection of essays by German idealists
  5. Where is that Hegel quote from, out of curiosity?
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