Conversation Between chegitz guevara and Kassad

  1. Kassad
    I deleted all of them that I could find. If there are any others now or in the future, let me know and I'll be sure to take care of them. He's going to receive infractions if he keeps pulling shit like this.
  2. chegitz guevara
    You probably should. They are internal messages of the National Committee of the SPUSA.
  3. Kassad
    Would you like me to delete those personal messages posted in the Brian Moore thread? They seem pretty private to me.
  4. chegitz guevara
    I've heard a couple other folks say something like that. A few months ago, this wouldn't have bothered me, but now that I've started using FB for organizing, it's messing with me.
  5. Kassad
    Regarding your Facebook profile, several other people just got their accounts on Facebook deleted for disputing Facebook's decision to delete the 'Free Ricardo Palmera' group. I really think they're pinpointing revolutionaries and progressives and deleting them because there's no one to oppose it.
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