Conversation Between MarxSchmarx and Q

  1. Q
    Well, I did make a thread about that back in February last year, with several updates since
  2. MarxSchmarx
    I take it you're referring to this?
    I just happened to be online when I saw the requests, if you'd like us to leave approval of introduction threads to you in the future I'm happy to do so
  3. Q
    Please mind that I normally merge double threads in /intro.
    Also, I'm not AWOL.
  4. Q
    Also, could you perhaps pm me the original article (with the BB code) I posted? I want to repost it on other forums too and don't want to redo the layout
  5. Q
    Hum, I don't mind that you merge threads. I clearly missed DNZ's. However, I spent some time getting the layout of the original article (most the italic words) right. DNZ did not and added in his own emphasis. Could you pay attention to such details next time? Thank you
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