Conversation Between RedWorker and BIXX

  1. There will be no non-Marxism nor anti-Marxism.
  2. BIXX
    how will marxistpedia engage in non or antimarxist modes of thought or is the intention to leave that to the newspaper or online thing or whatever it is you plan on doing
    im interested to read the articles regarding the opposition to marxism
  3. BIXX
    my views are neither enlightened nor should they be but you are trying to use the not a revleftist thing against me when several prominent members of this site and if I remember correctly a few mods are not leftists anyway but its the only way you seem to be able to attack my opinions because you cannot actually engage with them

    also I want to add that indeed I am an anticapitalist which kinda explains to the best of my ability why i am here
  4. Non-Revolutionary leftists are not allowed by this site. Why should an exception be made for you and your oh-so-enlightened views?
  5. BIXX
    i started as an ancom but became a nihilist due to a certain set of lived experiences also im surprised yo feel the need to ask me this again when it has probably been asked to me about 20 times as a way to discredit my ideas rather than actually critically engaging with them or engaging with them at all
  6. If you're not an anarchist, not a Marxist, and not a revolutionary leftist, then what are you even doing here?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6