Conversation Between DinodudeEpic and Revolution starts with U

  1. DinodudeEpic
    I see that. Don't worry, I am in no way angry at you. Remember, I was merely just debating against your points, not you.

    Ironically, I find Communism to be highly unlikely to be implemented or last long, unless it's pseudo-communist statism. And, I find Fabian too much of a newcomer to be a 'resident' just yet. Although, I've been around for only a year. Give him a month or two, and I would consider him to be a 'resident'.

    Thank you for your compliments, of which I am happy with. I also thank you for being a reasonable debater, unlike some of the other users that I have debated with. (Example: LIBERALIST SCUM!)

    Finally, thanks for proving your "Mode of production" point with something. I hope to be able to have more civil discussion with you later on.
  2. Revolution starts with U
    Hey Dino,
    I just want to point out that I don't really have any problems with you. I think your'e a pretty cool guy, with your heart in the right place, and we probably agree on more than you realize. Nevertheless I think market socialism as an ideology is highly unlikely to be implemented, or to last long.
    When I bring you up in discussion with Fabian it's just to show that you're our two resident market socialists.
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