Conversation Between Asero and Atsumari

  1. Asero
    I'm not the only one who can't post, right?
  2. Asero
    Oh yeah, if you didn't get the memo.

    New Chatango:
  3. Asero
    I don't know eiher. FYP is probably going to make a new one after revamping the new site split, or something.

    You'd have to PM him
  4. Atsumari
    What happened to Chatango?
  5. Atsumari
    oooh, i will fix it soon
  6. Asero
  7. Atsumari
    I have a blogspot?
  8. Asero
    Seeing your blogpost and getting an error when clicking is really riling me up.
    Just come over and join the hivemind, comrade!
    Join us! Join us! Join us!

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8