Conversation Between AK and ∞

  1. In practise, Libertarian Marxism and Anarchism would be exactly the same.
  2. ∞
    No, most anarchists don't read much Marx, while I think he was the most ingenious man to ever live. And if you take a place like Pakistan for example, a Libertarian Marxist revolution would be more suitable.
  3. I see. But that's pretty much all anarchists anyway.
  4. ∞
    An anarchist who supports Marxist economic analysis and aspects of Libertarian Marxism
  5. Blackened Marxist? Explain?
  6. ∞
    I need REVELATION and hrngggggggg not revolution and derp
  7. Yeah, stop being such a REBEL!!!1!
  8. ∞
  9. ∞
  10. ∞
    ugh, you don't watch the office.
    Read the discussion of myself with myself and you'll kinda get it
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