Conversation Between Einkarl and Trap Queen Voxxy

  1. Einkarl
    The response itself is not learned (inate), the response in relation to the stimuli is. For example, If I put my hand on a hot stove I will move my hand away. This response is automatic because I did not think about it, nor did I ever learn to do it. I did however learn that the stove is hot and that it burns. Therefore I will avoid it, I did not need to learn anything but the association of pain and the stove.

    If your cat runs away from certain sounds it is because your cat learned that these sounds are followed by harm. The association of danger to the sound is learned, the action of running away is automatic since it was born with that instinct. The cat does not understand and it doesn't need to understand the conditions it is present.

    I'm sorry if I'm having a bad time articulating this.
  2. Trap Queen Voxxy
    How can I innately exhibit behavior that I was conditioned to exhibit? I don't understand you.
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