Conversation Between Mälli and Искра

  1. Mälli
    Whats up comrade? Haven't seen you here in a while.
  2. Mälli
    i have no problem of he being there. Alltough he is not a syndicalist, but still
  3. Mälli
  4. I was stupid kid (12-13) when I was Leninist. I dropped it because it's contra-revolutionary and because it's not working class ideology.
  5. Mälli
    Hey, why did you drop out of leninism? Just read this
  6. Mälli
    Only 15. Well, all anarchists I know are not quite serious and all they are interested is drinking. All my post sound so crappy because I cant explain thigs well in english.
  7. To young? How old are you? Do you know some anarchosyndicalists?
  8. Mälli
    Thats just great! Im too young to like start an organization or something, but I hope syndicalist action will grow here too.
  9. That's sad situation. Before MASA it's was same situation in Croatia.
    If you want to know more about MASA, read here:
    We are young organization, we are not big, but we are trying to grow and to do something serious, to spread anarcho-syndicalist propaganda and stuff. Read that text for more info's.
  10. Mälli
    We have nothig like well organized. Here in Helsinki there is quite a lot of anarchist action, but as i said only squats, gigs, meetings but no organizations. It sucks How a bout there i see you have that MASA thing on your backround, is it big?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13