Conversation Between Imposter Marxist and Drosophila

  1. thank you for calling me the most important cliffite since cliff, I have created a mural of him on my bedroom wall to honor his legacy and so that he may shine down on me from SOCIALIST heaven, not state capitalist heaven
  2. I can see clearly now that the state capitalist rain is gone.
  3. Do you see? You should read some Tony Cliff or Hal Draper
  4. hmmm i see
  5. Tony Cliff is a hero, a visonary. his brilliant understanding of socialism and economics allows us to attack all the evil state capitalist "socialists"! Death to "Socialism!"
  6. Well I think you are the most important Cliffite since Cliff himself.
  7. You'd be correct
  8. So I heard Tony Cliff is the most important Marxist since Marx himself.
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