Conversation Between Kindness and No_Leaders

  1. I was just banned from DP for having a "multi account." Funny thing: I never did. They just wanted to get rid of a socialist.
  2. No_Leaders
    Without even listening or taking into consideration the valid points we bring up, you know? Ah well, at least you're here! I'll have to post up in OI we can get some good dicussions going. Also if you have any questions or anything feel free to PM me
  3. No_Leaders
    yeah that place is way too conservative. I wanted to post there to debate but what's the point of debating if they're just gonna say "human nature says blah blah blah" or whatever silly claims right wingers typically use to "discredit" anarchism or socialism in general.
  4. No_Leaders
    It's nice to see you here as well! I heard you were restricted but I hope that won't discourage you from remaining active on here
  5. I'm doing good! Nice to see you over here .
  6. No_Leaders
    greets comrade! How're you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6