Conversation Between Trap Queen Voxxy and The Feral Underclass

  1. Where you been?
  2. Trap Queen Voxxy
    I'm back in black
  3. Yes. Where are you?
  4. Oi oi
  5. Trap Queen Voxxy
    After I said that I did and posts my two cents or pence, either or
  6. You didn't read my Green Party thread?
  7. Trap Queen Voxxy
    A liberal? You don't say I leave for a little and then this
  8. This and that. I turned into a liberal apparently. Also doing an awesome new job.
  9. Trap Queen Voxxy
    Well you know caught a weed thing and then lost my password and what not, been workin an awesome new job tho, wbu dearest?
  10. Yay! Welcome back! Where have you beeeeeeen?!?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 33