Conversation Between Stand Your Ground and No_Leaders

  1. Stand Your Ground
    Haha yeah I know what you mean, I'm always jumping from one genre to another.
  2. No_Leaders
    Nice! Yeah i like Lower Definition, As Blood Runs Black, Chelsea Grin, a lotta stuff like that. Although lately i've been getting into a lot of folk punk haha. I'm all over the place musically
  3. Stand Your Ground
    Yeah I don't see why people wouldn't like it, I think it's awesome. I listen to punk, hardcore, metalcore, some rap, industrial & electronica. My fav bands are KMFDM, Heaven Shall Burn, In This Moment..shit I could go on forever lol.
  4. No_Leaders
    Yeah unfortunately some people don't like it i suppose. I love stuff like that. I'm into all kinds of music really. Love punk music, then got into indie, acoustic, and metalcore/hardcore, all that stuff. What're your favorite bands?
  5. Stand Your Ground
    Yeah, I don't know anyone couldn't like that music.
  6. No_Leaders
    hey comrade! nice to see someone has awesome taste in music!
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