Conversation Between GallowsBird and Viet Minh

  1. Viet Minh
    Yeah that makes me lulz. Did you know there are Mosques in the middle east that have St Georges flags because of their respect for him? Actually don't quote me on that I'm not 100% just someone said that on another forum. The NF have made a youtube video burning the EDL flag and calling them race traitors, the BNP called them 'tools of Zionist opression' or some shit, so hopefully we see some more internal battles amongst the right. I tend not to get involved in antifa politics up here unfortunately, its pretty much monopolised by scottish/ irish nationalists and I strongly suspect they would just kick the shit outta me.
  2. GallowsBird
    the EDL did however have a rally in Newcastle, at the usual spot for protests, rallies and free mucic, the monument, recently (in which they showed their true colours (as if we didn't know them all ready) by joining with the National Front) which was met by a counter rally by various Anti-Fascists, Trade Unionists et cetera (I didn't, sadly, attend the counter rally though as I couldn't get transport which is annoying), though there weren't any major incidents and no arrests (as I say I wasn't there ). Other than that the scum have been quiet in my corner of the country and probably bracing themselves for more defeat and humiliation.

    I found this video of the event though:

    It's hilarious that the National Front, EDL and BNP "celebrate" a Greek/Middle-Easterner while hating foreigners. Strange.
  3. GallowsBird
    I think the BNP are going to stand in the local election (which is next year I think here... I hate the system in this country) again (they got something like 0.3% last time in my constituency) and the religious fascists (I forget what they call their party) will probably stand (and get something like 0.05% again). If they ever try to campaign here though I'd personally see them off, but they mostly stay away...
  4. Viet Minh
    Yeah I was away at me mams for a few days, its been nice I should probably leave the house more! How goes the antifa activities? The BNP ****** seem to be suffering this last election
  5. GallowsBird
    How are you these days? You seem quieter on here in the last week or so. Though if truth be told I am not posting as much these days as when I first joined. The site seems to have slowed down a bit.... probably due to it being summer.
  6. Viet Minh
    I feel better now, like a new pair of pants!
  7. GallowsBird
    You've changed your name to Viet Minh. That's great!
  8. Viet Minh
    Thanks man!
  9. GallowsBird
    I'm not sure if "gulag" members can post in the "change name request" thread (which is I think in the technical thingamajig board) hmm... maybe you can ask an admin or mod in a PM or make an OI "change name" thread?

    Or maybe I could ask if they can change you in the aforementioned thread?

    I will probably make a tendency group called "Hồ ChÃÂ* Minh Ideology" unless El Chuncho does first. I was going to do it today but I was very busy.
  10. Viet Minh
    Epic!! Who do I ask?
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