Conversation Between Buffalo Souljah and Kuppo Shakur

  1. Ah. Sounds good, I'll have to check it out.
  2. sorry man, got off my meds--I know that was a rather vague statement. i saw that you were registered in one of the two _Capital_ reading groups, which are, for all intents and purposes "dead". I and a few other Rlers have set up a stand-alone board dedicated to discussions of such material (with a subforum specifically designated for _Capital_). SInce the board is "in the lee of the wind" (that is, not fast-paced like RL), and since the interface offers improved customizability (most notably, visibility and group cohesion, as well as notifications and incentives), I figure this will better facilitate group discussion. Send a test email to the address I listed, and I will send out an invite--then you can check out yourself if this board is something you'd be interested in.
  3. What.
    Details Please.
  4. would like to compile listserv for reading group--please send a test email with subject "Marx" to [email protected] if you would like to participate.
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