Conversation Between Brother No. 1 and S.O.I

  1. Brother No. 1
    the plagues of america.
  2. S.O.I
    who doesnt :P we need to get rid of it, it is the scum of the earth.... viva
  3. Brother No. 1
    I really hate the CIA and the FBI.
  4. S.O.I
    They havent just killed one innocent family... most families they kill tend to be equally innocent for most part... the rest of its true though.. peace
  5. Brother No. 1
    Well the CIA did kill that inocent familt in 54. Really they just wanted to kill Communists and they still are. Damn them they caused Ches Death.
  6. S.O.I
    hehe.. i was going to join that group last time, but there was some problems with my browser... it looks cool. id propably wouldnt have the patience to maintain a group like that...

    im reading about MK-ultra and CIA mind control experiments, and its really fascinating, you should check it out, some of it can acually be applied in everyday life, in a more positive manner, and improve social relations and the mindsstates of people around you, like NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotic language patterns.... i escpecially found one of the interrigation techniques also applied in NLP to gain rapport called mirroring & matching, this is really brilliant, if it sounds interesting you should get back at me, ive been reading about it for a week now, and if its anythiig you want to know, ill be glad to help you man...! peace! - science of ideaz
  7. Brother No. 1
    Well the Revleft CCCP has gained over 10 members. I failed in trying to gain ADs heart. And I joined the MLM group and the Anti-Revsionist group. So far things are going good.
  8. S.O.I
    thanks! i missed beeing around. im in a hospital and its a little tricky getting online... but its nice to know someone actually notices!

    so whats happened around here lately? peace bro!
  9. Brother No. 1
    SOI your back. I really missed you being around.
  10. Brother No. 1
    your welcome comrade
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17