Conversation Between Jacobinist and Guerrilla22

  1. yoyo
  2. yoyoyoyoyo
  3. I thank a lot of messages at random
  4. Oh, ok. Its just that you thanked a message that essentially said that. My bad.

    Hows it been?
  5. never said that bro.
  6. So you think IT is crap too?
  7. See, we can be friends.
  8. solid point
  9. Yup, we finally agree, about Chavez and isolating Venezuela. He needs to find markets beyond the US. If he's smart, he's got his set on China.
  10. Cool you went to Guatemala to party, what a true revolutionary. Now please stop writing on my wall. I don't give a shit ok.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17