Conversation Between Paul Pott and Ismail

  1. On a scale of 1 to hitler how lame is left wing liberalism
  2. Ismail
    Violent and corrupt like past ones since 1992.
  3. Stance on current Albanian elections.
  4. Ismail
    Unfortunately Hoxha was unable to invent it in time for general use among the partisan forces.
  5. What type of ICBM did the Albanian partisans use in wwii
  6. Could you give me some rep
  7. I was thinking Jersey Shore.

    'Come at me bro!' *builds bunkers
  8. Ismail
    I have no answer.
  9. What would be Hoxha's favorite reality tv show
  10. Ismail
    Mein Kampf by JOSEPH STALIN
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 39