Conversation Between blake 3:17 and Random Precision

  1. It's Dr Rockzo from the Adult Swim show Metalocalypse... sort of like a parody version of David Lee Roth.
  2. blake 3:17
    Where's your avatar from? It looks like some Rory Hayes Harry Who crazoidness.
  3. Just any posts that show your knowledge of Marxism or show a solid leftist position on any topic really.
  4. blake 3:17
    Grasp of theory? I think I know what you mean, but not sure. Basic Marxism or other stuff? Just on a break from wage slavery, so I may be a bit dense. Work is a good reminder of why capitalism stinks.
  5. Cool. Would you mind finding two or three posts you've made that show a grasp of theory? I'll start the thread for you if you'll link me some of those.
  6. blake 3:17
    The name comes from a spoof of Austin 3:16, which is a riff on John 3:16 in the Bible. I figured the poet/artist/printer William Blake could kick ANYBODY'S butt. Moved to the next verse because I left and rejoined another lefty board.

    Yep, will take you up on the invite.

    And I quite like your handle as well -- it seems to describe my life.

    Power2thepeople, smash crapitalism, word up!
  7. Great posts comrade. Would you like to be in the CC?

    Also, what does your name refer to? It intrigues me.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7