Conversation Between WeAreReborn and Stand Your Ground

  1. Stand Your Ground
    Nice. Yeah I hope so lol.
  2. WeAreReborn
    I have essentially the same plan. I think the problem is that most are seemingly nihilistic technocrats since this forum is accessed by the internet. Most leftists in real life are much more sensitive, or at least we can only hope.
  3. Stand Your Ground
    You're welcome. And thank you too. I have a hard time understanding the meat deal. I've been vegetarian (eventually will be vegan) for over a year now, I've never felt healthier and I'm still enjoying good food.
  4. WeAreReborn
    Well thank you I appreciate that . Considering you are not buying into this whole apathetic meat indulgence trend in the thread, I can confidently say the same.
  5. Stand Your Ground
    No problem comrade, you seem very intelligent, your posts are often thought provoking.
  6. WeAreReborn
    Thanks for the invite!
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