Conversation Between Jazzratt and Wanted Man

  1. Wanted Man
    That's pretty fucked-up, actually. Some things are just not done. Is it known who actually made the video? I doubt it's the guy who got banned for half a year.
  2. Jazzratt
    It was a hastily put together youtube affair that, IIRC, had pictures of a couple of the other admins (and I'm sure you can guess who they are) interspersed with accusations of paedophilia (in one case) or "consorting with racist bands" (in the other). It was taken down after one of the admins (again I'm sure you can guess) complained to his solicitor and so on. I watched the video and it was basically axe grinding internet drama taken a little too far.
  3. Wanted Man
    What kind of video was made? Just curious.
  4. Wanted Man
    That must be it. I find it hilarious how the whole thing blew up though. Invoking anti-islamism and anti-semitism against me, of all people... You'd have to be pretty stupid.
  5. Jazzratt
    Well, of course you do. It's not like any other party decides that throwing acid in a woman's face because you can see it is unjustifiable...
  6. Wanted Man
    It's a bit of a stretch, isn't it? Apparently I vote for Wilders or Verdonk because I don't think women should be forced to dress modestly.
  7. Jazzratt
    Oh right, it's obvious now I look at it - I mean I voted BNP because the only issue imprtant to me is Islam - it's not at all like I give a flying fuck about my class.
  8. Wanted Man
    Oh, he meant Jean-Marie. Yeah, we both love French fascists, that's why we're on RevLeft to share our love for him.
  9. Jazzratt
    If it's knoown to anyone other than YKHLM then I'm unaware of it. Maybe he just chucks stupid shite like that out at random
  10. Wanted Man
    What's with "Jean", anyway? I don't get it.
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