Conversation Between Rafiq and Remus Bleys

  1. Remus Bleys
    hi rafiq my names remus, its a pleasure to meet you :-)
  2. Remus Bleys
    His not hours sorry
    poured not pour
  3. Remus Bleys
    Ah yes sorels social myth. I've been looking for about a year for hours writings on this, you have a link? I agree ideology expresses some greater truth that just can't be pour into words.
  4. Rafiq
    Georges Sorel, and later Gramsci layed some foundations to this. It is our social myth. According to Sorel, social myths are not forms of deceit because they represent actual, real action. In Sorel's case, it was the general strike. For us, it should be the militarization and politicization of the proletariat as a class.
  5. Rafiq
    In a way, both. The individual as a bourgeois-liberal subject is destroyed, but the actual space for real individuality is opened through the destruction of, as marx would call it, bourgeois individuality. It is not so rigid, which is why I call it mystical. To attempt to rationalize it through language would be pointless. In the same way the religions of the world reflected a greater truth in the sense that they reflected real social phenomena, as will Communism.
  6. Remus Bleys
    So mystic as in the sense that communism will be defended as if it was a religion? Mystic add if to say that the proletarian interests are moral? That kind of stuff?
    Or mystic in the sense that the individual is destroyed all that remains is the collective (this is what I gleaned from an il partito article)
  7. Rafiq
    But if anything should be clear, it is that we will borrow nothing from Fascists and Islamists. Rather, it is they who stole from the Communists the inheritance of the world. They stole, ideologically, our universalism and militancy.
  8. Rafiq
    Not mystic in any metaphysical sense, I ardently oppose any form of spiritualism. But mystic in the sense that, because of the new globalized capitalist mode of production, Communism as an ideology will posses mystical characteristics. It will be a perfect social myth, the ideas will not reflect an objective truth, but an mass social phenomena expressed through other means. Communist mysticism is something that has been present since the October revolution and the third international, with all of it's millenarian rhetoric. The forces of bourgeois ideology today are so strong that, the only possible Communist consciousness that could develop would be almost religious (in it's members devotion). I think this is partially the appeal of Islamic fundamentalism today, as well as the resurgence of fascism in Europe.
  9. Remus Bleys
    Can you elaborate what you mean when you say communism is mystic?
  10. Remus Bleys
    Do you know any especially good works on Felix?
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