Conversation Between Rascolnikova and Killfacer

  1. Killfacer
    ain't seen you post for a while, welcome back.
  2. Rascolnikova
    awe, thanks.

    You're right. Women aren't, as a trend, as good at punching people as men. I agree with them that you're being sexist though. But hey, at least you aren't self hating, so it all works out.
  3. Killfacer
    Same old, same old. Being accused of being a reactionary sexist who should go back to the 16th century. of course in reality all sexists are women themselves, like you.

    Feel i should apologise if i was ever rude to you.
  4. Rascolnikova
    oh, the usual. . . just out firebombing abortion clinics.

  5. Killfacer
    Yoooooooooooooooooooo! Wassup!
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