Conversation Between The Feral Underclass and Vladimir Innit Lenin

  1. You're no longer my 'man on the inside'. What happened? System get to you?
  2. That's okay.
  3. Thanks for the exchange in the murdering counter revolutionaries thread. Illuminating
  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Weird that you were locked out of your account. Glad you made it back.
  5. I see Rojava has been kicking up a fuss on and offline.

    Happy Birthday by the way, sorry I missed it (but not altogether that sorry).
  6. got locked out of my account.
  7. Where have you disappeared to?
  8. Oh, why not?
  9. They are organising around a TUC intervention. If you're interested in getting involved I would go to one of their meetings or contact them. I don't' really know about any of the other groups.

    I'm no longer a member of Plan C, fyi.
  10. tFU.

    Do you know much of the groups that meet at commons house? I know plan c's london group organises there, and there are a couple of other groups (Radical Education Forum for one) whose literature is really very valuable who meet there.

    Dya reckon it's worth going along to any meeting of these groups? I would like to get involved with plan c...have they get any big initiatives going on at the moment to get involved in?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
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