Conversation Between Bitter Ashes and Stranger Than Paradise

  1. Stranger Than Paradise
  2. Bitter Ashes
    The thing that's bugging me the most right now is that certain people are treating it like it's some kind of dark secret when I've been completly open about it. Thanks for the support though
  3. Stranger Than Paradise
    Was gonna just say the same as Killfacer. I can't stand how everyone keeps talking about your past in the army. It doesn't fucking matter!
  4. Stranger Than Paradise
    That's cool. There being right idiots in the Irish republican thread. It always comes down to two sides doesn't it? Just like in the guns thread and uk troop thread. I always end up on your side. You have beliefs close to mine.
  5. Bitter Ashes
    haha. I just noticed that you joined on my birthday XD
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