Conversation Between Andropov and Comrade_Red

  1. Comrade_Red
    Sounds good, i'll have to check those out.
  2. Andropov
    No bother chief, if your interested in the IRSP perspective I suggest you read Connollys works, like labour in irish history and the re-conquest of ireland. Also Desmond Greaves does the best summary of Connollys life. I also suggest you read the Ta Power document, it is the foundations of the IRSP.
  3. Comrade_Red
    i don't mean to be rude, but i don't use MSN or other instant messengers too often. Can't get on the internet to much, so yeah.
  4. Andropov
    Aye they are good lads.
    Are you on MSN, I can add ya?
  5. Comrade_Red
    just saw their site. interesting, i hadn't known such a group existed.
  6. Comrade_Red
    Hmmm. i'll have to check it out.
  7. Andropov
    Im from Ireland.
    Do you know any of the IRSCNA in America?
    They are sound lads.
  8. Comrade_Red
    Nice, i just downloaded it.
    i'm from Texas, United States. you?
  9. Andropov
    I suggest you do, its a great read.
    Gives a great account of the working class in Irish History from a Socialist perspective instead of from the bourgoise historian perspective.
    Where ya from comrade?
  10. Comrade_Red
    Hmm. i'll have to check that out sometime.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12